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[^] Summer school in Political theory successfully accomplished its goals Published 2016-07-27 at 13:32  ( Ana Kuharić ) Edited: 2016-07-27 at 13:34  (Ana Kuharić)

The political in the time of actual crisis

The political in the time of actual crisis: the heritage of modernity and contemporary challenges to the project of European unity



High education, science, research

Croatia, Zagreb

Role in the action:



30/06/2015 – 30/09/2016

Cost (HRK):

760.762,90 HRK


European Social Fund, operational program Human Potential Development 2007-2013


Objectives and results of the action 

The basic aim of the project is to enable young researches to integrate into theEuropean research area more effectively. Young researchers will carry out fundamental scientific research and criticallyinterrogate  modern tradition of political thought and some of its key concepts: politics/ the political, state, civil society, democracy. The aim is to define in what degree is the political program of Modernity, which is inscribed in key texts of classical political thought, fulfilled and in what ways does this program represent foundation or eventual obstacles for understanding of actual crisis. 


The project is divided into four parts/topics:

  1. moment of the political  – establishment of the autonomy of political sphere in republican tradition (Machiavelli)
  2. moment of the state – establishment of sovereign state (Bodin/Hobbes)
  3. moment of civil society – challengeof establishment of politicalcommunity in the conditions of modern (economic) civil society (Hegel)
  4. moment of democracy– possibilities of democratic republic:  crisis and contemporary democracy (Rancière, Lefort, Abensour).


Expected results:

Scientific papers, mobility of young researchers (duration 6 months), interconnection with scientist in the field of political theory, organization of summer school, organization of final international conference