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Opcije pristupačnosti Pristupačnost

Naziv projekta

Pro-fact: Research, education, fact-check and debunk COVID-19 related disinformation narratives in Croatia

Nositelj projekta


Vrijeme provedbe



DG Connect

Vrijednost projekta

410.178,54 EUR

Opis i ciljevi projekta

Research, education, fact-check and debunk COVID-19 related disinformation narratives in Croatia' is tackling disinformation related to COVID-19 on multiple levels by a multidisciplinary and intersectoral approach. Through research, awareness raising, and capacity-building methods, the project comprehensively approaches the social, political, and health problem of spreading disinformation campaigns related to COVID-19. 

Results of the implemented activities will contribute to the objectives: 
  1. Efficiently exposed COVID-19 related disinformation campaigns in Croatia through research, debunking, and dissemination,
  2. Strengthened capacities of the multidisciplinary team in Croatia for detecting and combating disinformation campaigns through the exchange of expertise and networking, 
  3. Increased media literacy competencies of journalists and the general public in Croatia, with the focus on fact-checking of COVID-19 related disinformation, through the educational resources and campaigns.
Nositelji aktivnosti na FPZG-u



 Izv. prof. dr. sc. Nebojša Blanuša








 Izv. prof. dr. sc. Marijana Grbeša Zenzerović








 Dr. sc. Milica Vučković
