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Comparative Political Systems

Comparative Political Systems







doc. dr. sc. Marjeta Šinko

Prijava ispita:



  • Auditorne vježbe 60

* Opterećenje je izraženo u školskim satima (1 školski sat = 45 minuta)




  1. Jose Antonio Cheibub; Presidentialism, Parliamentarism, and Democracy; Cambridge University Press (2007), str. 26-48
  2. Robert Alan Dahl; The Democracy Sourcebook; MIT Press (2003), str. 29-39
  3. Maurice Duverger; A New Political System Model: Semi-Presidential Government; European Journal of Political Research 8(2) (1980), str. 165-187
  4. Arend Lijphart; Patterns of Democracy; Yale University Press (2012), str. 1-60
  5. Wolfgang Merkel; Embedded and Defective Democracies.; Democratization 11(5) (2004), str. 33-58
  6. Nenad Zakošek; Democratization, State-building and War: The Cases of Serbia and Croatia.; Democratization 15(3) (2008), str. 588-610
  7. G. Bingham Powell, Jr., Russell J. Dalton, Kaare Strom; Comparative Politics Today; Pearson College Division (2014), str. 148-243, 678-725
  8. Samuel P. Huntington; Democracy's Third Wave; Journal of Democracy 2(2) (1991), str. 12-34



Izborni GS-1 - Redovni studij - Sveučilišni diplomski studij Novinarstvo
Izborni GS-1 - Redovni studij - Sveučilišni diplomski studij Politologija
Izborni GS-1 - Redovni studij - Sveučilišni prijediplomski studij Novinarstvo
Izborni GS-1 - Redovni studij - Sveučilišni prijediplomski studij Politologija


doc. dr. sc. Marjeta Šinko:

On-line putem MS Teams aplikacije uz prethodni dogovor


exam procedure and final grades
Dear students, I will be grading your tests tomorrow after the written exam (from noon to 13h). You will be notified of your results by MTeams and your final grades will be input in the system on the same day. If you need any hardcopy documents signed by me, send me a message today and remain at the Faculty after the written exam is over. All edited essays received a positive grade apart from Rustum Shurupov who will have to submit an additionally improved version for the next examination date (I will upload the commented second version of this essay to Intranet tomorrow). All that fail the written exam will have to take the exam again as both the exam and essay need to be passed. Sincerely, Marjeta Šinko
essay results
Dear students, these are the grades for the final course essay: Ewelina Chudzicka 4 Alexandra Charlotte Gand 5 Daryna Korzh 5 Ivan Patlavskyi 5 Tomás Andés Rogaler Wilson 4 Kateřina Škárková 5 Everyone else will have to edit their essays and resubmit them by January 25 th . We will discuss the essays in tomorrow’s class. Best regards, Marjeta Šinko
course requirements
Dear all, this is the list of students (so far) who will not be allowed to take the course exam as they have not been fulfilling the requirements as proscribed by the course syllabus: Casilda Isabel Arellanes Troitiño Monika Bielecka Wiktoria Anna Rozbicka This decision is final. Best regards, Marjeta Šinko
course exams
Dear students, Comparative Political Systems course exams are scheduled for: - Wednesday February 1st, 2023, at 10 a.m. - Wednesday February 15th, 2023, at 10 a.m. Both will be held at the room (hall) C. You must register for the exam via Studomat. Best regards, Marjeta Šinko