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Advanced Research Seminar - Melanie H. Ram

Advanced Research Seminar - Melanie H. Ram

Pozivamo sve zainteresirane studente i kolege na izlaganje u sklopu Naprednog istraživačkog seminara pod nazivom "Persistance and Proliferation of Regional Cooperation Organizations: Connecting Central and Southeastern Europe" američke profesorice Dr. Melanie H. Ram koje će se održati u petak, 16. prosinca u 13:45 sati u dvorani E Fakulteta političkih znanosti (Trg Drage Iblera 10, Importanne Gallerija, 2. kat).

Melanie H. Ram (PhD, George Washington University) is Professor of International Relations at California State University, Fresno (U.S.) and studies international organizations, European integration, Central and Eastern Europe, and human rights. Her work is published in Global Governance, Europe-Asia Studies, Ethnopolitics, Comparative European Politics, Journal of International Organizations Studies, JEMIE, and Studies in Comparative International Development, among others. Dr. Ram’s research explores how intergovernmental organizations (IGOs) influence domestic policies and politics as well as civil society advocacy and ethnic minority representation, and how NGO advocacy in turn impacts IGO policies. She also studies international organization agenda-setting and collaboration among organizations. Much of her work has focused on Roma inclusion and discrimination in the context of EU policy and membership conditionality. Dr. Ram is a recipient of the Fulbright Schuman European Union Affairs U.S. Scholar Award (2022-23) and is currently hosted by the University of Zagreb Faculty of Political Science. 

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