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Online Ljetna škola 2022 - The Era of Uncertainty: The Search for Sustainable Development Solutions

Online Ljetna škola 2022 - The Era of Uncertainty: The Search for Sustainable Development Solutions

Zajednička online Ljetna škola 2022
The Era of Uncertainty: The Search for Sustainable Development Solutions

od 21. do 23. studenog 2022.

Nakon tri vrlo uspješno provedene Ljetne škole među nekoliko indonezijskih i hrvatskih sveučilišta nastavljamo s istom aktivnošću. Ovogodišnju online Ljetnu školu organiziraju tri sveučilišta: Warmadewa Sveučilište i Lampung Sveučilište (oba iz Indonezije) i Fakultet političkih znanosti Sveučilišta u Zagrebu.

Središnja tema Ljetne škole je era neizvjesnosti u koju sve više i dublje ulazimo, a prožeta je različitim rizicima i izazovima. Tijekom Ljetne škole nastojat ćemo raspraviti sljedeće teme: klimatske promjene, zelena tranzicija, digitalna diplomacija, hibridne prijetnje, sigurnosni izazovi u modernom medijskom okruženju, te doći do prijedloga održivih rješenja.

Pozivamo sve zainteresirane profesore, istraživače i studente da se pridruže svojim izlaganjem u sljedećim područjima: mediji i komunikacija; međunarodni odnosi i sigurnosne studije; javne politike, menadžment i razvoj; komparativna politika; novinarstvo i medijska produkcija; strateško komuniciranje; društvo i održivost; spol i liderstvo; okolišna komunikacija; spolna ravnopravnost; javna uprava.

Rok prijave: 1. studeni 2022.
Sve osnovne informacije nalaze se na posteru.
Radujemo se vašem odazivu.

 Joint online Summer School 2022
The Era of Uncertainty: The Search for Sustainable Development Solutions

from 21 till 23 November 2022

After three very successfully conducted Summer Schools between several Indonesian and Croatian universities, we are continuing with the same activity. This year's online Summer School is organized by three universities: Warmadewa University and Lampung University (both from Indonesia) and University of Zagreb Faculty of Political Sciences.

The general theme of the Summer School is the Era of Uncertainty, which we are entering more and more deeply, and it is permeated with various risks and challenges. During the Summer School, we will discuss the following topics: Climate change, Green transition, Digital diplomacy, Hybrid threats, Security challenges in the modern media environment, and try to come up with proposals for sustainable solutions.

We invite all interested professors, researchers, and students from the following fields to apply for a presentation: Media and Communication; International Relations and Security Studies; Public Policies, Management and Development; Comparative Politics; Journalism and Media Production; Strategic Communication; Society and Sustainability; Gender and Leadership; Environmental Communication; Gender Equality; Public Administration.

Application deadline: November 1, 2022.
All basic information is on the poster.
We look forward to your participation.

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