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[^] Staff Training: 8th – 10th September 2021
Objavljeno 1. 9. 2021. u 13:53  ( Đana Luša )
Uređeno: 6. 9. 2021. u 08:49  (Đana Luša)



The creation of these resources has been (partially) funded by the ERASMUS+ grant program of the European Union under grant no. 2020-1-DE01-KA226-HE-005758.
Neither the European Commission nor the project’s national funding agency DAAD are responsible for the content or liable for any losses or damage resulting of the use of these resources.



Practising Transnational Politics (PATRAPO) is a project led by researchers from Fulda University of Applied Sciences, Autonomous University Madrid, and Zagreb University, with the associate partner Mac Ewan University, Edmonton. The project goal is to develop open access transnational teaching kits and a handbook for online blended learning seminars that train students for the participation in United Nations Model Games (MUN). 

Based on previous experiences both in MUN model games and in EU projects, the partners will jointly develop, establish and implement the following elements in their universities, to be carried out in a yearly rhythm:

  1.  a teaching kit for preparative joint blended MUN training seminars (1st semester of each academic year) at all              participating institutions, including: teaching curricula, seminar plans, material, content, explanation, organization, training video collection 
  2. a teaching kit for joint blended or real life MUN (2nd semester of each academic year) including: procedure, technical solutions, organizational advice, and detailed description of “how-to”
  3. a handbook including a manual (intellectual property of the partners) and user advice for third parties for the two teaching kits. 
  4. four short time staff trainings: the project is a learning system including further training for teachers. 
  5. blended student mobility sustains the attendance of virtual and life MUN. 









MUN is a worldwide practice of simulation games in which participants take over the role of an international delegate representing a country in a simulated committee of the UN. It is a very challenging and pedagogically valuable practice that attracted a huge network of educational institutions training for and conducting MUNs. Today, more than 400.000 people participate in MUNs each year (Vereinte Nationen 2019). 
The project PATRAPO extends this network to an intra-European cooperation for training for MUNs. For the time being, such a structure does not exist. The advantages of such a joint structure are the mutual support, possible synergy effects, and the widening of the respective horizons to different input and experiences. Besides it furthers intra-European relations and fosters EU values.


Teaching MUN

